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Re: Kol Isha

In a message dated 2/21/01 6:33:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, reyzl (at) 

> If it is only a matter of distraction, then how come small children are not 
> forbidden to sit with their fathers during prayer?  If it is only a matter 
> of distraction, then how come cantors with great operatic voices who like 
> to embellish in order to show off their beautiful voices are not considered 
> distractions in Orthodox synagogues?   Do you know how much non-prayer, 

As a Gabbai in an Orthodox Synagogue, I do not need to be lectured to by 
anybody about the inappropriateness of the behavior of many men in Orthodox 
That has nothing to do with the ancient origins of this Halacha. In the 
ensuing 2000 years, we have managed a whole mess of other ways to screw up 
religious practice, even among the allegedly observant.
As far as the rest of your post goes, especially the business about "Jeez," 
well, I think no response is necessary. 


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