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Re: Kol Ishah again

Right on! I'll sign your petition.  --Hankus
In a message dated 3/8/00 6:13:46 PM, elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU writes:

<< Jordan:

In defense of Mr. Krakowski, I didn't see any discrediting of halakha, just 
Kol Isha.

Sometimes things might "evolve" a little quicker if we light a fire under 
the asses of those who maintain the status quo.

I, for one, find the idea that women can't sing publicly to men far less 
appalling than the fact that they can't read Torah or participate in the 
Orthodox service.

I hope the Orthodox (male) rabbinate are at this time considering 
rectifying this situation. One need only look at the "evolution" of women's 
political rights in America--eighty years to get the vote--to realize that 
this issue involves Jewish law far less than male dominance of religious 
ideas and authority, and a reluctance to forfeit that dominance.

Eliott Kahn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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