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Re: women-only concerts

On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 09:57:30 -0500 "Kame'a Media" <media (at) kamea(dot)com>
> It is astonishing and unfortunate  that people who capitulate to the 
=kol isha= injunction fail to see  the direct co-relation  between their
compliance and
> that of the physical assaults on women  taking place with shocking
> on the streets of Israel by primitive  and violent self-proclaimed 
guardians of female modesty.

Could you give some specific references about these assaults?  I haven't
heard about them.  Newspaper accounts in either English or Hebrew would
be OK.

Many thanks,

Rachel Heckert

> Note:  This is not a condemnation of the
> Orthodox or =halakha= per se.
> (Reaching for my hard-hat in anticipation, anyway.)
> Wolf
> "Judith R. Cohen" wrote:
> > >
> > > Judith, I would suggest offering a women-only concert to the 
> Sephardic
> > > Orthodox community.  You would get their support and I am sure 
> that the
> > > audience would be very appreciative.  This would work as long as 
> there were
> > > no male musicians performing with you.
> > > Lori (Chicago)
> > Hi, I have refused women-only concerts offered to me by women who
> > tacitly or out loud support Kol Ishah in the Sephardic Kehillah 
> because
> > agreeing to do one would imply an agreement with it on my part. I 
> would
> > rather lose money and let people know that this is a stand I am 
> taking.
> > On the other hand, I've done women-only concerts for groups which 
> just
> > happen to like the idea of a women's evening, and they've led to 
> some
> > interesting discussions. But, again, I will NOT accept doing one 
> > Kol Ishah is enforced.
> > Interesting , that Wolf pointed out the return of women to the 
> concert
> > stage in Iran! Maybe we can, ah, keep up with the Ayatollah.... 
> Cheers,
> > Judith
> >
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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