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Re: Kol Ishah again

In a message dated 3/9/00 9:35:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
physchem (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

<< Pressure applied gently but firmly helps.  Judaism survived events like the
 destruction of the Temple, and evolved in response to historical changes,
 because it is not inflexible.  We have seen it in my lifetime.  The Orthodox
 were opposed to Zionism; now, only a tiny minority are firmly anti-Zionist,
 and many more are the most fervent Zionists.

As I have made clear in many of my posts, I am not against change. I am 
opposed to automatic rejection of Orthodox positions just because we do not 
like them. I have a more subtle approach. I do not believe in applying any 
pressure whatsoever.  I do not believe in changing Halacha to fit in to our 
more enlightened times. What I do believe in is that when change is 
necessitated by grass roots strivings, then people of honest intent and open 
minds have an obligation to work the Halacha as much as possible to allow 
those people to fulfill their aspirations. I do not believe in making women 
Rabbi's. I believe in responding to the aspirations of women to be Rabbis by 
finding as much room in Halacha as possible to allow them to do it, without 
rejecting traditional Halachik jurisprudence. 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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