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Re: Kol Ishah again

    You betcha!!!

    Trudi Goodman

>From: HNetsky (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Kol Ishah again
>Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:36:51 EST
>Right on! I'll sign your petition.  --Hankus
>In a message dated 3/8/00 6:13:46 PM, elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU writes:
><< Jordan:
>In defense of Mr. Krakowski, I didn't see any discrediting of halakha, just
>Kol Isha.
>Sometimes things might "evolve" a little quicker if we light a fire under
>the asses of those who maintain the status quo.
>I, for one, find the idea that women can't sing publicly to men far less
>appalling than the fact that they can't read Torah or participate in the
>Orthodox service.
>I hope the Orthodox (male) rabbinate are at this time considering
>rectifying this situation. One need only look at the "evolution" of women's
>political rights in America--eighty years to get the vote--to realize that
>this issue involves Jewish law far less than male dominance of religious
>ideas and authority, and a reluctance to forfeit that dominance.
>Eliott Kahn

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