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Re: Jewish music performance series/take1

this pisses me off, but I am of a mixed mind about a woman, I feel 
that the orthodoxy needs to open up it's brain cells and rachmones and 
tzedakah to include women and others that it doesn't normally include.  My 
great grandfather was adopted, and some in orthodoxy do not consider him a 
"legitimate" Jew, even though he lived his whole live as a Jew..and took his 
lumps as one.
I have certainly taken my lumps as  a Jew , a performer and a woman too. So 
I definitely want to see more venues for Women Performers---being one. But 
here's where the mixed comes in---I cannot force anyone to like or want me.
At the same time...if we as Jews do not challenge this stuff, nothing 
If the whole rest of the world sees me as A Jew and a Woman and I am often 
penalized for this, unfortunately..though it NEVER stops me from
being Jewish.  Isn't it time for the Jewish community to?
Turdi the G
>From: Halsherm3 (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Jewish music performance series
>Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 22:43:55 EDT
>In a message dated 9/23/99 2:53:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU
><< The one major drawback--and I believe it's a big one--is that I cannot 
>  this time invite solo women singers. Women instrumentalists are okay, but
>  in the Orthodox tradition, women vocalists are not. I'm not sure about
>  mixed choirs. These are not my personal beliefs, so I apologize to all 
>  female singers for this lack of opportunity. There's simply nothing I can
>  do about it. >>
>I found this statement to be so completely offensive. Substitute the word
>jewish for the word female and read it again. How do you feel?
>The reaction I had to this was purely from my gut. I realize that it wasn't
>meant to
>be offensive but it was all the same (IMHO).
>How do others feel?  Lynn

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