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Kol ishah

Lynn asks how we feel about this - I guess "feel" is the word here, since 
how I feel about it isn't necessarily how I THINK about it.How I THINK about 
it is my nice, value-expurgated, tolerant, ethnomusicologist way.  But how I 
FEEL  about it is the same  negative way I feel about the many times I've 
had concert offers withdrawn or cancelled here in Toronto (never mind the 
times the offers simply haven't been there for the same reason) because of 
Kol Ishah. I am furious about it. If men feel spiritually feeble enough that 
listening would be detrimental to them, they needn't come. (read both 
Maimonides and the Muslim Al-Ghazzali on the issue; both exist in English 
This contradiction is not limited, for me, to this issue - does anyone else 
have a similar set of reactions? Judith

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