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Re: Borrowing melodies for liturgy

+AD4- From: Robert Cohen
+AD4- Date: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 1:28 PM

+AD4- I gave a talk on 
+AD4- borrowing melodies in prayer just last weekend, in D.C. (I do that 
+AD4- occasionally, and have written on the subject too) and I taught the 
+AD4- group +ACI-Eliyahu Hanavi+ACI- (which is traditionally sung Sat. night, 
at the 
+AD4- end of Shabbes, not just at the Passover seder) to Dylan's +ACI-The Times 
+AD4- They are a Changin'+ACI---not even quite picked up by everybody at first. 
+AD4- +ACI-Eliyahu+ACI- is a messianic +AF8-piyyut+AF8- (hymn) and Dylan's is a 
messianic song 
+AD4- (I learned this shidduch from Jeff Oboler of my old Bet Cafe chevra in 
+AD4- NYC)--it's a wonderful pairing+ACE- I'd welcome hearing of successful 
+AD4- borrowings+ADs- I'm looking to see if I have a recording of +ACI-Saint 
+AD4- Reel,+ACI- which Rachel Heckert reports using for Shir Hamaalot (i.e., 
+AD4- 126).

At last year's Passover seder I sang +ACI-Echad Mi Yodea+ACI- to the tune of
+ACI-The 12 Days of Xmas+ACI-.  Not only was the melody a perfect fit, but
the words in the Haggada appropriately concern the numerically
quantifiable differences between Jewish and Xtian theology (we believe
in 4 Mothers, 3 Fathers, ..., 1 G-d in heaven and earth+ADs-  their numbers
come up different).

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