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RE: Fusion Music


I was at David Krakauer's first Tonic show in December.  He was magnificent.  
The crowd was the usual mix for a NYC klezmer event:  half 70-somethings with 
blue hair and half 30-somethings, also with blue hair (if you get my drift).  I 
was with a friend who had never heard Krakauer before and when the show was 
over he just looked straight at me and in a succinct deadpan declared, "That 
was simply the best clarinet playing I've ever heard in my life."  'Nuff said.

- Mark Melnick

P.S.:  If 3-way bluegrass/punk/klezmer fusion interests you, check out the Bad 
Livers' version of "A Yid ist Geboren inz Oklahoma" on their new "Industry and 
Thrift" CD.

-----Original Message-----

From:   parentheses [SMTP:Sara(dot)Marcus (at) oberlin(dot)edu]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 05, 1999 9:46 PM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:        fusion music (was Modzitz)

.....I'm personally thrilled with the fusions that are going on between klezmer
and other musical forms.  The work Dave Tarras did in the 40s with the
"new Jewish swing" is being continued today by the bluegrass excursions of
Cayuga Klezmer Revival, the astounding punk rock virtuosity of Kletka Red,
and the sustained dissonances of David Krakauer's latest works - the likes
of which I was excited and gratified to witness at the Lower East Side's
Tonic last Sunday.  (Were any other listmembers there? It was so awesome,
and Naftule Brandwein's granddaughter was in attendance!).....


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