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Re: Borrowing melodies for liturgy

Hi Ellie and list,

> I'm looking to see if I have a recording of "Saint Anne's 
>Reel," which Rachel Heckert reports using for Shir Hamaalot (i.e., Ps. 

I think you got the wrong Rachel.  (Besides which I have now switched to
my real name - Rochel Sara - for all venues, now that I've escaped alive
from the Brooklyn College psychology department.  I even have an MA to
show for it.)  I don't know the song in question, although I do have fond
memories of walking home from my secular high school out West with a good
friend and singing "What Do You do with a Drunken Sailor?" and "I've Got
Sixpence" all the way, to the bewilderment of passing motorists.

BTW, the borrowing of secular music for prayer, when done by someone
sensitive the the spirit of both the music and the prayer, can have
positive results.  However, 
"chassidic-rock" doesn't seem to me to fit in that category.

Zait gezunt,

Rochel Sara Heckert

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