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RE: Borrowing melodies for liturgy

Hi, Ryna.

I think it's fine to be pretty catholic about where we borrow our melodies
<G>. And I listen to Wagner. But I would draw the line at using Wagner in a
Jewish liturgical setting. His music served as the virtual soundtrack for
the Nazi era...



P.S. In a separate thread, might you please tell us about The Felicja
Blumental Music Center & Library? Thanks!

At 04:26 PM 1/11/99 +0200, you wrote:
>On the subject of borrowing: my husband (who constantly listens to
>classical music) has used the theme from the Walkure (Wagner) for Kedusha
>of Shabbat morning Shacharit! (I don't think anybody noticed!)
>I myself have done some borrowing. While putting together a
>program (I sing folk songs and accompany myself on guitar) I decided that
>Adon Olam would be great with Don McLean's and I Love You So, and it was!
>Ryna Kedar
>Head, Acquisitions & Cataloguing Division
>The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
>Tel-Aviv, Israel

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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