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RE: Holiday Music

Just called the Mostly Music ,store and was told by the clerk that they have 15 
Purim recordings (tapes/CD's).   When I asked for more info he transferred me 
to Mr. Mendelowitz (I guess the owner) who upon further inquiry explained to me 
that 15 recordings may be an exaggeration, but he was too busy right now to go 
count them; and "anyway these tapes are put away till their season."   He 
explained that the repertoire is limited and what he basically has is different 
performers presenting their versions of the same limited traditional 
repertoire.   Some Purim recordings include various contemporary parodies, but 
this is basically it.   

As for the Hanukah recordings, it's basically the same.   Different recordings 
by different performers each singing the same limited traditional Hanukah 
repertoire, "nothing new".  When I asked him if he has any Sukes or Shavuoes 
recordings, he said he has very little.  Those recordings with the sukes- or 
ShavueS-related title have very few sukes- or shavues-specific songs, but do 
include regular Jewish songs that are sung on these holidays AND at any other 
times of the year.   

So this is a confirmation of what I wrote here before.    I have spent many 
afternoons at Eichlers Avenue J store over these many, many years I know the 
Chassidic/Yiddish/religious market very well.  

There may be more of a variety of holiday material in Israel, but I don't know 
the latest Israeli songs.

I also don't know the English Hanukah recordings that have arisen in the last 
few years (because my kids refuse to listent to them).   Heard a few songs on 
the Tara web site by very popular singers and was most unimpressed by the 
material.   Maybe that's why American kids hate Hebrew school.

By the way, I am told that Mostly Music has a web site where we can even sample 
the music.  They also have a snail-mail catalogue.   Will go visit.


From:  Rachel Heckert[SMTP:heckertkrs (at) juno(dot)com]
Sent:  Wednesday, December 16, 1998 11:19 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  Re: Holiday Music

Rezyl & Chevra,

>There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If
you know of any, I would love to know about them.  

I don't know about secular stores, but Chassidic and ethnic Orthodox
bookstores have quite a range of music for various holidays, including
Purim and Simchas Beit HaShoeivah/Sukkos, although it's almost entirely
in Hebrew or Yiddish.  There's a store devoted to recorded music in
Brooklyn - Mostly Music, 718-438-2766, 4805 13th Avenue.  I'm sure they'd
be delighted to ship, and they might even have a catalogue.  I've been
there and yes, they do speak English, despite being in Boro Park!  :-)

Also, you can check Tara Music's homepage - they might have something.

Rochel Sara Heckert

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