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Great Jewish Rock Stars. Do they perform Jewish Music?

I find this an interesting list of performers. Of those listed, so
far. Who of these have made recordings of a Jewish Nature; rather
than of a non-specific pop genre. I am alway looking for new material
for my radio program. If you can specify a record company, as well,
it would be appreciated.

P.S. If anyone wishes to have their events or performance listed,
     on the event schedule or their url added to my list, please
     e-mail or fax the information.

    + =========================================================== +
   || is the best way to find and read:  ||
   || The Sunday Morning Klezmer Special Events Schedule          ||
   || "Sun Mrnng Klzmr Spcl Evnts" is posted, on or near,         ||
   || every Wednesday, and the Sunday Morning Klezmer Internet    ||
   || Resource List "Sun Mrnng Klzmr Jwsh Intrnt Lst" is posted,  ||
   || on or near, the 30th of each month, on the following usenet ||
   || newsgroups;, shamash.jew.studies,          ||
   || shamash.yiddishnet, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.israel. ||
    + =========================================================== +

    + =========================================================== +
   ||    Jacob Freedman -- Host/Producer Sunday Morning Klezmer   ||
   ||        E-Mail Address -- freedman (at) mail(dot)bbsx(dot)com             
   ||     Phone Number 609.235.3819 -- Fax Number 609.894.9440    ||
   ||      WBZC 88.9 FM -- A Voice For Burlington County, NJ      ||
     + =========================================================== +

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