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Re: Great Jewish Rock Stars

The endless thread! 

Have you seen the "Festival of Light" disk, from Six Degrees? Some of the
participants are definitely not Jewish (such as Don Byron), but you might
research the others. Jane Siberry???

Further on the Benatar issue, note the following from the Harvard holdings.
The name has the right "yikhes", if I can mix branches.

All the best, Joel

HU AWA0357
Ben-Atar, Shemuel.
Ben adam mah lekha nirdam: piyutim u-selihot la-yamim ha-noraim.
Yerushalayim: Agudat Ish Hayil, [1993?]
1 cassette
Sephardim--Israel--Music. \ Piyutim. \ Synagogue music--High Holiday
Ben-Atar, Shemuel.
Loeb Music:  JC 1715   \Loeb Music:  Harvard Depository JCM 1715  Consult
Judaica Div.   Box 1

Joel Bresler
100 Longwood Avenue, #3
Brookline, MA 02146
Home:   617-277-8344
Home Office:    617-278-9753
FAX:            617-278-9753 
Email:          jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

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