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Re: Great Jewish Rock Stars. Do they perform Jewish Music?

>I find this an interesting list of performers. Of those listed, so
>far. Who of these have made recordings of a Jewish Nature; rather
>than of a non-specific pop genre. I am alway looking for new material
>for my radio program. If you can specify a record company, as well,
>it would be appreciated.

There are some acoustic jazz piano solo albums from Jon Simon. Available
from Tara.

Unfortunately there is not really a market for the big name artists to sell
Jewish specific music, compared to almost all other kinds.

Eric Goldberg

ericgoldie (at) mhv(dot)net
5 Bakertown Road
Accord NY 12404
Ph./Fax 914 626-2530
Check out my lists of incredibly inexpensive records (@ $3). for sale. Just
email me.

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