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Re: Great Jewish Rock Stars

found your list VERY interesting.  i believe judy garland liza minelli were also
j. if you include george gershwin, berlin and other oldies, you need to include
danny kaye, joel grey, al jolson (first jazz singer).  if you include barb
streisand (as far removed from rock as the moon) how about richard tucker, jan
pierce, fred hellerman (the weavers), zero mostel, theodor bikel, ofra haza.
among musicians, conductors and composers are:  dave brubeck, arthur fiedler,
aaron copland, leonard bernstein, emanuel az, oscar levant, leonard slatkin,
james levine, richard stolzman, arthur rubenstein, george solti, woody allen,
andre previn and many more.
if you are interested in more, there is a good book "great jews in music" by
derill lyman (jonathan david publishers) which lists many american as well as
non, musicians (more classical and show).

you are doing great.
good luck
michael buczaczer

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