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Re: Great Jewish Rock Stars

>I see that you included a few but not all the jazz musicians who are
>Jewish. So let me add some of them to your list
>Lee Konitz       alto sax
>Al Cohn         tenor sax
>Joe Cohn (his son) guitar
>Dick Katz       piano
>Red Rodney      trumpet
>Rob Scheps      tenor sax and reeds
>Artie Shaw      clarinet
>I know that I have just scratched the surface of the Jews of Jazz.
>I also agree that this kind of list is within the provence of a discussion
>group of this sort. Many other ethnic groups make a big deal out of
>supporting the arts groups of their homelands, or the players of their
>I don't know if it is necessary to limit our pride to just Yosele
>Rosenblatt or Debbie Friedman, in whatever degrees you choose to take
>pride, but should show our pride in musicians of all kinds, in all fields.
>After all, they are all playing new songs.
>Eric Goldberg

Add, at least

Stan Getz

the "blackest" of all white jazz musicians, as he was referred to. Of
course, in order to be this black, ha HAD to be Jewish.

Good luck with the discussion (I LOVE this kind of discussions!)

Francesco Spagnolo

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                              YUVAL Italia
                 Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica
           the Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

             via della Guastalla, 19  20122  Milano Italia                 mailto:yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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