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Re: Great Jewish Rock Stars

>Add, at least
>Stan Getz
>the "blackest" of all white jazz musicians, as he was referred to. Of
>course, in order to be this black, ha HAD to be Jewish.
>Good luck with the discussion (I LOVE this kind of discussions!)
>Francesco Spagnolo

Of course Stan Getz has to be added. If you have not seen the video of Stan
in Israel you should. It's called Stan Getz: a Musical Odyssey and is
available for Tara Music at and has him playing a
little klezmer clarinet stuff with Giora Feidman. Great video for something
different on Getz.

I only tossed off a few names of Jewish Jazz players.....did we mention
Ziggy Elman of Sing SIng Sing fame.

I'll think about it and get some more.

Eric Goldberg

ericgoldie (at) mhv(dot)net
5 Bakertown Road
Accord NY 12404
Ph./Fax 914 626-2530
Check out my lists of incredibly inexpensive records (@ $3). for sale. Just
email me.

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