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Re: Peter Himmelman

You are hardly going to further the cause of Jewish unity if you
insist on criticising the Orthodox sects. One could just as
easily (and spuriously) argue that a number of progressive
movements practice a religion that is no kin to Judaism at all. The
arguments are just not that simple and the feelings run high on both

Anyway I thought this was a forum about Jewish MUSIC!

In article
<Pine(dot)3(dot)89(dot)9507030004(dot)A538972034-0100000 (at) JTSA(dot)EDU>, 
hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU
(hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU) writes: 
>On Thu, 22 Jun 1995, P. Kirman wrote:
>> >What if the kids had had an orthodox conversion.
>> I am not sure if children can get an orthodox conversion at
>> such young ages.  You would have to ask an Orthodox rabbi.
>> The thing is, Orthodox conversions are really difficult to get.  You just
>> can't go to a rabbi and ask for one and get it.  It takes a lot of
>> time and study and exams and questioning, so I am not sure if a child
>> would be able to get one.
>I am sorry to insist in this point.  Any one can get a conversion and it 
>does not need to be an orthodox one, just a conversion to Judaism.  It is 
>difficult in most cases because the person interested in the conversion 
>will be rejected at least twice before being accepted to the study part 
>of the conversion.  The convertee has to acquire a whole lot of Jewish 
>knowledge that apparently some Jewish people do not have.
>       Children, however, are the easiest people to convert.  If they 
>are newborns and the parents are going to educate them in a Jewish 
>environment, the only other requirement is a circuncision and a mikvah.  
>       We must stop thinking and assuming that orthodox is the only 
>authentic way of neing Jewish, and if you are not Orthodox you might as 
>well not be religious.  This is wrong!  First of all, which orthodoxy are 
>you reffering to?  Second, some orthodox sects practice something realy 
>close to idolatry.
>       You do not need to add the word orthodox in front of Jewish.  If 
>it is Jewish it is enough.
>Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass
>"I'd give a cow not to get into an argument, but I'd give all my
>cattle not to leave it."  (Old Brazilian saying)

"The whole world is a very narrow bridge - the important thing
is not to be be afraid"

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