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Re: Peter Himmelman

In article <3s83ab$fbd (at) sauron(dot)multiverse(dot)com>, finkster <finkster 
(at) mail(dot)multiverse(dot)com> says:

>Three possible (and unfortunate) reasons:
>1. his previous record label(s) were all divisions of Sony Music. 
>        Sony did almost nothing to promote Peter and his music.  He
>        is currently searching for a new label after leaving Sony 550
>        Music which released "Skin"

I don't blame him.  I wanted to do a story on him for a local Jewish
paper here, and called the Canadian branch of Sony in Toronto,
and they were very hesitant to give me the information I requested.
In fact, I was told by the PR woman I spoke to that she would call me back
, and I am still waiting for the call.  This was over a year ago.

>2. The fact that he is Religious and refuses to play concerts on
>        Shabbat limits his touring ability and almost completely
>        excludes him from being even an opening act for a major 
>        performer.  That being said, however, let me add that I have
>        nothing but the utmost respect for his devotion.  (There's
>        something refreshing (and somewhat surreal) about being
>        backstage after a rock concert and the star of the show is
>        calling out for his kippah and tzitzis!)

I thought of this myself.  It would certianly pose a problem
for him to travel as far away as Canada, although I'm sure arrangements
could be made for him to spend Shabbos in a religious household.

>3. Those that are in the music business may have written off
>        Peter without ever giving him a chance (or a listen),figuring
>        that the only reason he ever got a recording contract was
>        that he's Bob Dylan's son-in-law (Sony is Bob's label).  This
>        is completely shameful, and shows the narrowmindedness of 
>        those in the Radio Programming business!

Is he still married to Dylan's daughter?  I can't believe people
would write him off as an example of nepotism.  Like, it would really
be the first time in the entertainment business.  If he wanted to flaunt
that he was Dylan's son-in-law he would, but he seems to downplay it. 

A side note:  for someone who is so religious, it is ironic he is married
to someone who is not Halachically Jewish, and so his children technically
are not Jewish either. 

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