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Re: Peter Himmelman

The original of this message is not Matthew's.  I am using this quote 
from his message because it was the first time I saw it.

The contents of this message are not musical, but Jewish.  They only 
appear in this list because they are a response to something that 
appeared here before.

On Thu, 22 Jun 1995, Matthew H. Fields wrote:

> In article <3sbvrl$k32 (at) rover(dot)ucs(dot)ualberta(dot)ca>,
> P. Kirman <pkirman (at) gpu(dot)srv(dot)ualberta(dot)ca> wrote:
> [...]
> >is a supporter of the Chabad, does not make his children 
> >Halachically Jewish, and so, technically, Peter's children 
> >are not Jewish either unless Maria has had an Orthodox conversion.

(The following is a collection of mean and harsh words.  They are not 
directed at any one in particular, it is just an expression of my anger 
towards what I consider to be a misguided religious statement)

Where did you get the idea that the only valid conversion is an orthodox 
conversion?  Do you even know the requirements for a Halakhic 
conversion?  And what if this is a conversion done by an orthodox Rabbi 
graduated from the Yeshiva University, would that be acceptable to 
Chabad?  Try no for this last question.

(end of the angry words)

Judaism is a religion with a myryad of facets and we have enough of 
mutual animosity.  The reason why the Second Temple was destroyed was 
Sinat Chinam, hatred between correligionaires.  We don't have a Temple 
anymore because the religion has changed and evolved.  Should we continue 
with this Sin'at Chinam, what will be destroyed now?  Our people?

Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass
"I'd give a cow not to get into an argument, but I'd give all my
cattle not to leave it."  (Old Brazilian saying)

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