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Re: Peter Himmelman

>   pkirman (at) gpu(dot)srv(dot)ualberta(dot)ca (P. Kirman) writes:
>  Is he still married to Dylan's daughter?  I can't believe people
>  would write him off as an example of nepotism.  Like, it would really
>  be the first time in the entertainment business.  If he wanted to flaunt
>  that he was Dylan's son-in-law he would, but he seems to downplay it. 
>  A side note:  for someone who is so religious, it is ironic he is married
>  to someone who is not Halachically Jewish, and so his children technically
>  are not Jewish either. 

Himmelman has three children with Maria Dylan Himmelman. According to P.H.(in a 
recent interview), he is determined to avoid the 
usual showbiz marriage collapse syndrome. Maria is Bob's adopted daughter. Her 
mother is the former Shirley Noznisky, later Sara 
Lowndes, then Sara Dylan. By all accounts, she is and always was Jewish. This 
would make their kids Halachically Jewish. They 
sent their kids to Jewish camps while they were growing up. Bob is supporter of 
Chabad thes days, as is Peter who davens with 
Chabad in L.A. 

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