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Jewish punks

No, it's not a contradiciton in terms, and there are plenty of them.  A
new zine (underground magazine) has just come out filled with writings by
them, in fact.  Although name-dropping won't work here unless you're
familiar with the current punk scene, MAZEL-TOV COCKTAIL is 40 pages of
stories, rants, poetry, recipes, interviews, articles and anecdotes by
Jews, ages ranging from early-teens to late 40's, who are (or were) punks.
 It's available for two dollars (rest assured, it all goes to cover costs)
from BLOODLINK RECORDS/ P.O. BOX 252/ NEW GRETNA, NJ  08224.  Cash is
preferable, make checks and money orders out to Scott Beibin.  Don't
respond to this e-mail address (it's being temporarily borrowed for the
sake of this post).  Rather, if you want to get in touch with the editor,
write to JENNIFER BLEYER/ P.O. BOX 250402/ NEW YORK, NY  10025-1536, or
jsb39 (at) columbia(dot)edu     LONG LIVE JOHN ZORN!!! 

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