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On Sun, 14 May 1995, Zvi the Fiddler wrote:

> Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but Goria Feidman is NOT the musician I 
> would 
> recommend to those interested in Klezmer music.  I would suggest the Klezmer 
> Conservatory Band to start, and if you like that, try Kapelye, the Klezmorim 
> (especially their first album, East Side Wedding),Maxwell Street Band 
> (Russian 
> Jewish Wedding), and Sheerim.
> Or, if you are having a simcha, give me a call and I'll play.  ;-)
> Zvi the Fiddler

You're certainly not raining on my parade, since you named some excellent 
groups, nearly all of which I have CDs of.  But why, pray tell, would you 
so vehemently NOT recommend Feidman?

Mike Leavitt<mleavitt (at) netcom(dot)com>
Reston, Virginia

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