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On Fri, 12 May 1995, JeanMarc Schwartzenberg wrote:

> Hi,
> Any Giora Feidman fans out there??
> I've got two of his records, "Viva el Klezmer" and "Jewish Soul Music",
> and am thinking of getting some more urgently. Any suggestions?? Of
> the two I have, my favourite is by far Viva el Klezmer.
> Also, does anyone know if G.F. gives a lot of concerts around the world?
> I know he did one in London in June 92, but I missed it...
> Looking forward to your recommendations!!
Viva Giora!  (NO that's not a CD title, just my sentiments ;-))  Try "The 
Magic of the Klezmer" from Delos (1986).  He's played in Washington DC, 
but not very recently. 

Mike Leavitt<mleavitt (at) netcom(dot)com>
Reston, Virginia

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