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Re: Giora Feidman

Fred Jacobowitz writes:
>and has personally been at least 50% responsible for the renaissance
>in Klezmer appreciation worldwide

As one of the first of the "revivalists", I doubt this is true.  The
first three revival bands - Kapelye, Klezmorim, and the Klezmer
Conservatory Band all worked off of original sources - i.e. 78s of the
1st generation bands.  Following that, I suspect most of the second
and nth generation bands did the same, as well as listen to the revival
bands that recorded before them.  I myself have NEVER heard Feidman,
except on movie soundtracks, e.g. "Lovers and Other Enemies", which
also featured K.C.B. and Kapelye. 

        Charlie Berg
        chb (at) world(dot)std(dot)com

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