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Re: Kol Isha - Just the Facts, please!

--- lenka lichtenberg <lenkal (at) sympatico(dot)ca> wrote:
> Zero female involvement is a
> given, from doing an aliyah to singing/chanting
> anything whatsoever, in or out of service. i suppose
> that comes with the term "orthodox". 
> lenka

No, it doesn't. In many O. shuls participation can
range from divrei torah, to leading any parts of the
service that have been deemed either not requiring
equal levels of obligation or where men and women have
equal levels of obligation (there are a few in Israel
where that means Psukei d'zimra, torah service and
reading, and on Friday nights, kabbalat shabbat).
Technically, it could be everything but shma and
These shuls are clearly noting that kol isha does not
apply to prayer - only to singing, which is considered
not the same thing, even if one takes the more
stringent view of kol isha as applying to something
other than a woman singing while the man tries to say
the shma.


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