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Re: Kol Isha - Just the Facts, please!

A great number of Orthodox Synagogues have women on their boards. and
Women always speak at my shul. What is less common are synagogues where
women do Psukei D'zimra or kabbalat Shabbat. I know there are a couple
on the Upper West Side, a number in Israel, and one in Riverdale where
Women also get Aliyot, but for other reasons, I would not categorize
that one as Orthodox.


Eliezer Kaplan wrote:

> My own shul might be a little more liberal than you describe in that
> we allow women to give divrei Torah- in particular, at the kiddush.
> And there are women on our board. But we're sort of the oddballs.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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