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Re: Kol Isha - Just the Facts, please!

--- Sam Weiss <SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net> wrote:
> At 01:49 AM 1/23/04, Yoel Epstein wrote:
> >Perhaps some of you would like to compile a list of
> specific gigs that 
> >were
> >refused or cancelled because a female singer
> participated in the 
> >band.  Then
> >we might have a starting point for actually doing
> something about this.
> Such a list would not even scratch the surface,
> since the assumption of Kol 
> Isha very often precludes female soloists and bands
> with a female singer 
> from even being considered at all.

Au contraire, it WOULD scratch the surface -
at least insofar as this list is concerned.
As in other political opinions, there would
most likely be "right", "centrist" and "left"
versions of KI - and its implementation. If
any gig were to be refused or cancelled for
KI reasons, it would be most illustrative to
see whether the sponsors give that as the
reason, or whether they hide behind some kind
of subterfuge. And since on this list
we´ve only heard from the femails in this case, I
wouldn´t mind hearing the other side´s view - those
who are involved in the decision-making process.

Bring it on!


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