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Re: "Kol (Isha)"

I stand corrected.  I do not wish to sin and misquote a law:

God does want women to sing. He just doesn't want half the world to listen to 

Did I get it this time?

Times change. Laws change.  And criticism is only useful to people who listen.

>Ladies and gentleman, please listen up. For the
>perhaps umpti-teeny-weenieth time, the law of
>Kol Isha is NOT that women should not sing.
>Women CAN sing. Women DO sing. And that
>is encouraged by Jewish law, and is encouraging!
>NOT that women should not sing. It´s
>about men not listening to it WHEN AND
>IF SHE SINGS. Got it?
>There may be valid parallels, and irritating,
>even anti-Semitic comparisons between certain strains
>of Orthodox Judaism and some fundamental Islamists. No
>one posits that educated criticism isn't often useful.
>But before anyone sets him or herself up to be the
>Next Lawgiver, how about getting the Law right? First?
>Or is that asking too much?
>There´s a positive mitzva (commandment!) not to change
>the laws. Changing the laws would, therefore, be a
>sin. Misquoting a law goes even beyond that.
>Does it serve a tangible purpose except in helping 
>someone make a dubious point?
>Alex Jacobowitz
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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