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Re: "Kol (Isha)"

B"H Munich

--- Eliott Kahn <Elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU> wrote:
> >But we spent 20 years fighting a holy war for
> Islam,? said the third commander, who also refused
> to give his name. ?God and the Prophet said women
> should not sing.?
> And they ain't the only ones....
> >  

That maybe the case. But it shows that no matter
how many times you write the truth, you can´t
make people read it. Or remember it. Or quote it.

Ladies and gentleman, please listen up. For the
perhaps umpti-teeny-weenieth time, the law of
Kol Isha is NOT that women should not sing.
Women CAN sing. Women DO sing. And that
is encouraged by Jewish law, and is encouraging!

NOT that women should not sing. It´s
about men not listening to it WHEN AND

There may be valid parallels, and irritating,
even anti-Semitic comparisons between certain strains
of Orthodox Judaism and some fundamental Islamists. No
one posits that educated criticism isn't often useful.

But before anyone sets him or herself up to be the
Next Lawgiver, how about getting the Law right? First?
Or is that asking too much?

There´s a positive mitzva (commandment!) not to change
the laws. Changing the laws would, therefore, be a
sin. Misquoting a law goes even beyond that.
Does it serve a tangible purpose except in helping 
someone make a dubious point?

Alex Jacobowitz

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