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Re: lyrics to "Shnirele or SHIRELE

OOOPS, I forgot to sign my previous posting.

Has anyone come across the alternative "Shirele, Perele.?  Prof. Dov Noy
suggested that the words shnirele, perele are incorrect and make no sense
anyway. Shirele, perele, a little song a little pearl, makes more sense, he
argues. Any opinions?

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

on 12/26/03 10:47 AM, Robert A. Rothstein at rar (at) slavic(dot)umass(dot)edu 

Ginzburg and Marek include a text (No. 11) close to the one in the Mloteks'
_Songs of Generations_  and two variants (Nos. 12-13), which Y. L. Cahan
suggests are fragments.  All three texts come from the Vilna or Kovno
regions, so G&M's transcription reflects _litvish_ pronunciation ("eybn on,"
"geyeyl veneymar"), which I've standardized. I haven't touched the
grammatical differences, mostly gender variations in the nouns.  One
interesting and not purely grammatical gender variation:  instead of the
better-known masculine image of the Messiah, variant 12 personifies the
feminine image of redemption or salvation (geule).
   Bob Rothstein

No. 11. 

Shnirele, perele, gilderne fon,
Moshiekh ben Dovid zitst oybn on;
halt er a bekher in rekhtn hand,  [Mloteks: in der rekhter hant]
makht er a brokhe iber di gantse land. [Mloteks: oyfn gantsn land]
Omeyn veomeyn, dos iz vor,
Moshiekh vet kumen hayntign yor.  [Mloteks: hayntiks yor]
Vet er kumen tsu raytn,
veln mir hobn gute tsaytn.
Vet er kumen tsu forn,
veln mir hobn gute yorn.
Vet er kumen tsu geyn,
velen mir ale in erets-yisroel aynshteyn.

No. 12 

Moshiekh ben Dovid zitst oybn on,
in gold un in zilber ongeton.

Er halt a bekher in di rekhte hand,
makht er a brokhe iber die gantse land.

Omeyn veomeyn, dos iz vor:
die geule vet kumen hayntign yor.

Vet zi kumen tsu raytn,
veln mir hobn gute tsaytn.

Vet zi kumen tsu forn,
veln mir hobn gute yorn.

Vet zi kumen tsu geyn,
veln di meysim ufshteyn.

Mir veln keyn erets-yisroel geyn
uvo letsion goyeyl venoymar omeyn!

No. 13 

Omeyn veomeyn, dos iz vor,
Moshiekh vet kumen hayntign yor.
Moshiekh vet kumen tsu raytn,
velen zayn gute tsaytn.
Moshiekh vet kumen tsu forn,
veln zayn gute yorn.
Moshiekh vet kumen af a vaysn ferd,
veln ale meysim ufshteyn fun der erd.
Moshkiekh vet kumen tsu geyn,
vet tkhies-hameysim ufshteyn.

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