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Re: Kol Isha Redux

I know that this issue is a sore point (to say the least) for many on the list, 
but I hardly see this as an excuse for branding Orthodox Jews who hold by Kol 
Isha as "holding people hostage", or worse, equating them with the Taliban. I 
hardly think it appropriate to compare them to the group that supports the 
Al-Quaeda terrorists who have shown only barbarianism in their mass-murder 
attacks in New York. Perhaps I misunderstood and one only meant to compare them 
to fundamentalist Muslims (who also support the murder of innocent civilians in 
the name of religion). At what point are we going to say that name-calling is 
enough? How far do the insults have to go until we realize that there is 
intolerance here? 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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