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Re: Yes! Judaism: A HEADNOTE

>    Our Jewish religion has so many positive aspects.
> It's sad that
>    certain factions only address the no-nos.  Where
> are the yes-yesses?
>    Why don't they speak of those things instead? The
> Baal-Shem Tov
>    addressed the positive aspects in joy and love. 
> What a model for us
>    all, Chasidic or not.

Those who read music - klezmer, classical
or whatever -  know what it is to "read it down", 
that is, to play the notes through. No pushing the
envelope, no "interpretation", no playing "outside
the box". The holy Baal Shem Tov took the "text"
of Judaism and developed it, improvised, expanded,
embellished, polished it, while staying true to the
text. Not everyone is an artist, of course. However,
we can only rise above the material by mastering it
first. Artistry is earned, not claimed.

Alex Jacobowitz

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