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Re: kol isha in action/re-action

> The way to send the message, is TO SEND THE MESSAGE,
> not just complain about 
> it.  If promoters who want to book groups with
> Females in other venues, 
> can't do it because of their Kol Isha policies,
> perhaps they will get the 
> message.

i dont think at this point i have to explain my
position any further but let me just add that as the
artisitc director for the sinai festival (which hit
snags in funding (as i had suspected) and is now
slated for summer 2004) i will not hesitate to hire
groups with female singers or solo female performers.
i WILL however insist to every artist that an icon go
next to each performance in the programme to inform
anyone that wishes to not attend a show that the show
in question would fall under kol isha. as many of you
who receive gili houpts mailings on jewish music in
the NY area (does he still do those??) he does
something quite similar


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