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Re: Kol Isha Redux

--- Sylvia Schildt <creativa (at) charm(dot)net> wrote:
> Come now, come now. There's more to Kashrut than
> eschewing shrimp salad or
> Beef Wellington.  It's a whole lot of halakha about
> the state of the stove,
> the pots and pans, what china and silver to use,
> even for the same dishes
> like roast chicken.  I don't think in general that
> serving kosher is going
> to ruin an affair for the non-observant.Except maybe
> those who feel that
> kosher meat is too salty and dry (I'm not one of
> them).

some people seem to think so

> But back to the wedding as a moshel ...
> Half the guests were Black Hats. And their "rules"
> ruled the wedding
> ceremony, seating arrangements, placement of a
> screen, separate dancing,
> etc. - all but the last half hour or so was run
> their way. This meant that
> the rest of us sat on our hands and were decidedly
> uncomfortable, trying to
> put a good face on it for the sake of our
> relationship to the Bride and her
> parents.

if half the guests were religious then you hardly have
a case of the minority ruling the affair. and even if
so my point still stands. if the bride and groom wish
to respect the wishes of even one guest then isnt that
their prerogative? and furthermore, who says you have
to sit on your hands? is it completely forbidden to
dance separately? is it a given that you wont have any
fun at all??



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