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Re:Kol Isha Redux

--- Sylvia Schildt <creativa (at) charm(dot)net> wrote:

> The trouble comes when the two worlds share one
> platform, venue or
> performance situation. And there the pressure to "be
> sensitive" always
> weighs in favor of the Orthodox. 

to me this sounds like the old discussions that
liberal jews used to have when planning their events.
should they choose whatever caterer they want since
most peolle attending dont keep kosher anyways, or
choose an inferior (and for some reason the kosher
caterer is always inferior) one to respect their more
religious guests. i know this is an unfair comparison
for many reasons weve gone through already but let me
use it one more time. now many people chose (what i
believe to be) the right choice, and opted for the
kosher caterer. so what, you couldnt have your shrimp
salad, so what, the beef wellington will have to wait
for another time. did anyone starve? did anyone
complain with true justification that their affair was
ruined by the kosher food? now think about it in terms
of a wedding. and im using this because a wedding is
an event that a) you mentioned and more importantly b)
all attendees are invited guests. (unlike a public
concert where anyone can show up) many people choose
not to offend even a small minority of their guests by
having mixed dancing and women singing and we have to
respect their decision. theyve opted to go with the
lowest common denominator and choose entertainment
that can be enjoyed by all. because when push comes to
shove you have to be a real party pooper to say that
you cant have fun at a wedding where only men are
singing and where the dancing is separate.


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