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Re: Women-only concerts (Kol Isha)

B"H Munich

--- Elrosen (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> I don't know why no one has mentioned this before,
> but there are many performances put on in Orthodox
> circles by women for women only. 

I think that´s part of a more complex problem.

BTW, I´ve performed twice in Jerusalem before
all-female audiences. No other male performers
were allowed. Frankly, I was surprised this
all-religious group (not just haredi and
Orthodox, but mamash Mea Shearim!) allowed me
to perform for them- but when the goal is for 
tsedaka, certain restrictions are brushed aside.

For instance, the Chafetz Chaim mentions that
a synagogue´s sanctity is so great that a musical
performance there isn´t allowed - unless it´s
for tsedaka, and even then only in certain cases.

good Shabbos!

Alex Jacobowitz

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