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Nicholayev & Lubavitcher Hasidim

I'm fairly sure Nikolayev is in Ukraine rather than Belarus.  An important town 
in the annals of Lubavitcher music, as was hometown of the Charitonow family-- 
some of the great composers of Lubavitch nigunim.  Was a father and two sons 
who wrote many beautiful popular nigunim.  
On a personal note, I've had the privilege to get to know the 
greatgrandson/grandson of these composers who is a Chabad Rabbi (also named 
Charitonow) in Buffalo.  In reviewing some of his family's old sheet music 
manuscripts, has made me appreciate that many of these nigunim had more complex 
modal variations in early times.  Surely there were pronounced regional 
variations.  My theory is that Zalmanoff's Sefer Hanigunim (the "bible" of 
Chabad Nigunim) may have sanitized many of these melodies & cut down on such 
variations-- not an uncommon occurence when melodies become codified in written 
The current Rabbi Charitonow says his father made a commercial recording of 
nigunim-- was wondering if anyone had heard it.
Pete Rushefsky
 Sylvia Schildt <creativa (at) charm(dot)net> wrote:

It's in Belarus. 

on 2/27/03 1:48 PM, Elrosen (at) aol(dot)com at Elrosen (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> According to his biography, Sholom Secunda grew up in the town of Nicholayev.
> Does anyone know where that is (or was)?
> Thanks,
> Elie
> Elie Rosenblatt
> elrosen (at) aol(dot)com

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