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Re: Songs about food in Jiddisch

Richard Kamins wrote:

>   The Adrienne Cooper songs referred to are "Borsht"
> What about Borsht (on Mikveh, and by Brave Old World)? Mickey Katz'
> Borsht Riders in the sky?!

And speaking of Borsht?

While I have since found numerous other Yiddish singers from the former
Soviet Union who also sing the song "Borsht", it was first introduced
into the American Yiddish music revival scene by the extraordinary
singer BRONIA SAKINA, who grew up outside of Odessa and emigrated to New
York from Tashkent. in 1980. I, sometimes together with Paula
Teitelbaum, recorded her singing this and many other wonderful songs
beginning in 1982. Her songs were brought into the communal American
repertoire after she was brought to teach at KlezKamp. Although many
people who learned this and other songs from her (either directly or
indirectly) have recorded them, she is not usually credited on their

Bronia was an extraordinary singer and a wonderful person, and I'd like
to see her name continue to be associated with the beautiful repertoire
that she brought to us.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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