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Re: Songs about food in Jiddisch

>... first introduced
>into the American Yiddish music revival scene by the extraordinary
>singer BRONIA SAKINA, who grew up outside of Odessa and emigrated to New
>York from Tashkent. in 1980. I, sometimes together with Paula
>Teitelbaum, recorded her singing this and many other wonderful songs
>beginning in 1982. Her songs were brought into the communal American
>repertoire after she was brought to teach at KlezKamp. Although many
>people who learned this and other songs from her (either directly or
>indirectly) have recorded them, she is not usually credited on their

I, too, learned and was inspired by Bronia. In one of her 
presentations, I remember her saying that she hoped people would one 
day say that there was this woman, Bronia Sakina, and she sang these 
wonderful songs. (Not a direct quotation).


Peggy H. Davis Calligraphy
Wholesale Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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