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Re: Songs about food in Jiddisch

on 9/11/02 4:29 PM, Richard Kamins at r(dot)kamins (at) snet(dot)net wrote:

The Adrienne Cooper songs referred to are "Borsht" (which is more of a love
song than food song" and "Yontev Peysakh" - the latter song is best for food
references.  Shirim recorded "Bulbes" (potatoes) on their Newport Classics
Cd, "Oy, It's Good."
From: Alex Lubet 
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:15 PM
Subject: RE: Songs about food in Jiddisch

Adrienne Cooper has a lovely song about holiday foods on Dreaming in Yiddish
, can't recall the title.

At 03:53 PM 9/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Off the top of my head I can think of Yidishe Maykholim written by Shimshon
Kemelmakher and sung by Wolf Krakowski on his album Gilgul /
G'Mar Tov
Then there's "Hop Mayne Homentaschn" (see Zemerl - Purim)

Beygelekh (Barry Sisters did this one)

More from Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

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