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Re: 2003 IAYCYiddish Conference

Here is the latest on our lineup of programs and workshops for the 2003
World Conference of the IAYC (International Association of Yiddish Clubs) A
mini teacher¹s conference, in conjunction with Baltimore Hebrew University
will be incorporated, possibly beginning a day earlier at the BHU venue ­
this will be determined in the next few weeks. Teacher related topics will
be included in the workshop line-up including a face to face meeting of the
Reshime members conducted by Lori Cahan Simon.

Dates: Sept, 4,5,67 ­ 2003

Venue ­ Pikesville Hilton in the heart of Baltimore¹s Jewish community.

Theme: Yiddish Teachers: Heroes Then and Now

Keynote Speaker: Gela Schweid Fishman, founder of the Stanford University
archive on the Secular Yiddish School movement.( Possible mini exhibit of
the SU archive will be set up at BHU)

Final Speaker: David Weintraub of the Dora Teitelboim Foundation on their
efforts in behalf of Yiddish education in South Florida (including
dayschools, Yiddish on  line, etc.)

Performer/Presenter:  Lori Cahan Simon  will offer a musical salute to Mikhl
Gelbart at the opening keynote concert as well as conduct a workshop or two.


World-class khazn/singer Avi Albrecht sings Yiddish songs with hartz and
MOLLY PICON is alive and well as portrayed by vocalist/klez fiddler Rebekka
Sherm Labovitz/Sender Botvinik do songs from their ³Mayn Oytzer CD recently
published by the Philadelphia Sholem Aleykhem Society.

Klezmorim:  Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra and Charm City Klezmer.

Workshops: 32 1-1/2 hour slots in all ­ Friday and Saturday at the hotel.

Presenters agreed on so far:

Troim Katz Handler (sister of Dovid Katz), daughter of Yiddish poet Menke
Katz will speak on Women and Sex in Judaism and read from her newly
published book of poetry ³Simkhe² ­ published by IAYC.
Miriam Beckerman  Mayn Lerer Dovid Katz
Morrie Feller: Kompyuteray --  Getting it Write in Yiddish
Judith Seid ­ Secular Options in Yiddishkayt
William Tenn ­ Sholem Aleykhem meets Science Fiction in ³On Venus Have We
Got a Rabbi²
A Dvar Torah on the Parshe of the Week Ki Tetze ­ in Yiddish
Mayn Shetele Brunzvil --  Sylvia Schildt launches her new book of
Brownsville memories to be published by the IAYC
Lori Cahan Simon ­ a topic related to the teaching of Yiddish.
Sholem Berger ­ Young Yiddish poet, journalist, publisher of online Der
Bavebter Yid

There will be Yiddish language classes at all three levels ­ teachers to be
determined yet.

One session with facilitator will let participants, shule alumni, share
their memories of their shules and lerers.

Lots more to come here?we are open to your ideas and offerings.

Note to Yiddishe Lerers worldwide:

If you are coming to the conference and would like to volunteer a workshop
about Yiddish classes in your country, showcase texts and educational
materials, please contact Sylvia at creativa (at) charm(dot)net(dot) (Hopefully 
community may sponsor your trip and conference costs ­ there is still time.)
We really welcome international participation.

Dealer: Sal Kluger will offer his many one of a kind books, music,
magazines, posters, memorabilia, fun stuff, educational materials.
Presenters with CD¹s, books, etc. may opt to have him handle sales during
the conference. He will have his own secure sales room

Re: Kosher and Shabbes stuff:

All breakfasts and afternoon breaks will be kosher. Friday night meal will
be kosher. Kosher options available for all other meals at additional cost.
Thursday and Friday lunch there are kosher restaurants near the hotel.

On site conducted Orthodox services available Saturday morning. There are
other shuls and temples nearby, all flavors.

Those remaining in the hotel will be served kosher lunches.  Sunday¹s
pre-departure box lunch will be kosher.


For those wishing to tour and shop, informal touring is always available.

There will also be a guided post-conference tour of Jewish Baltimore ­ by
advance sign up only.

³Gelt²  Money-Saving Coupons

We are organizing a coupon program for conferees with discounts and
two-fers, etc. at local restaurants and shops of interest.

More to come ­ stay tuned.

Mit vareme Yiddishe grusn,

Sylvia Schildt
8th world conference of the International Association of Yiddish Clubs
to be held in Baltimore Maryland at the Pikesville Hilton Hotel

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