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Re: Lady Cantors

It's funny to see this thread on this listserv once
again... i, too, was searching for information
regarding "lady cantors." I'm actually in touch with
the son of Bas Sheva, who kindly mailed me a video of
her on the Sullivan show doing a bang up job of
"Sheyibone Beis Hamikdosh" a la Judy Garland (eerily
similar), as well as a tape of her album she recorded
with Les Baxter, "The Passions." Very interesting, but
not Jewish.

I know for a fact that Shayndele's album is in the
Record library of Gratz College in Elkins Park, PA.
It's a good recording and virtually scratch free.

The one thing i'm really searching for myself is a
recording i USED to have of Mimi Sloan singing Moyshe
Oysher. I know she is still living and in Florida, but
I have no connections outside of the mere knowledge.
It was on the Tikva record label, and it was issued on
cassette, but for some reason, I seem to have
misplaced it. *sigh*

Sophie Kreutzer, Bas Sheva's aunt, I'm sure has an
album, but i also found a recording or two of her on
an interesting cd-rom called, "Stars of David," a
CDrom of opera and art singing by Jewish singers,
available from <>. 

good luck with your further search. i'd love to see,
one day, a compilation album of such female cantors of
the past.


Cantor Erik L. F. Contzius
New Rochelle, New York
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