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warped tsimbl fix?

I have a Jankowski tsimbl/cymbaly.  I've been getting this BANG when I 
hit my low G and I've been trying to debug it, thinking I was hitting
the next string with the stick end or something.

The I noticed that the low G strings (bass register), like all the bass 
strings,have to pass thru holes on the treble bridge.  The G strings are much 
to the top of the hole than any other strings, and when I put a straight
edge on the treble bridge, sure enough it bows about a half inch in the ceter.
And the G strings are in the center.

What's happening is if I hit the G with any force at all, the hits the
top of the hole and gives a klang.

The obvious fix is is call Reb Jankowski and work out a fix, but speaking
with the good man on the phone is difficult.  And there's a time matter -
I need to woodshed intensly between now and Klex Kanada, so I can't afford
downtime right now.

The top is wavy and cracked, which I udnerstand is normal for a tsimbl.
Till now these organic flaws have not affected sound - now it does.  I know
there are a few folks - 3 or 4 - on the list who are familiar with these
particular (Jankowski) instruments.  I am not uncomfortable working with
wood but am not a master.  Does anoyone know if those bridges are glued
or just held be string tension?  Might I be able to shim it up for now?

Suggestions welcome.

roger reid

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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