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RE: Sephardic accent

At 11:24 AM 4/12/02, Leonard Koenick wrote:
>OK, but now maybe someone can explain to me talasim vs. talitot.

'Taleysim' is the Yiddish plural of the Yiddish word which is pronounced 
'Talitot' and 'taliyot' are two forms of the Hebrew plural of the Hebrew 
word when it is pronounced 'tah-lit'.
In locales where the Hebrew word is pronounced 'tah-lis', you will 
sometimes also see a pseudo-Hebrew plural written 
"tes/lamed/yud/sov/yud/mem" under the influence of the Yiddish plural.

Gut-Shabbes//Shabbos Sholoym//Shabbat Shalom...

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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