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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2223

In my shul it's kinda funny when we do Eyn Keloheynu and the Israelis 
insistently and loudly sing "a-TAH hu..." and the rest of us old timers 
sing "A-to hu".  They do the same sort of thing in places in the Birkat 

Susan Lerner wrote:

>The following was posted on the H-Judaica List.  As a Yiddishist whose limited 
>knowledge of Hebrew prayers comes with an Ashkenazic accent, I found this 
>interesting.  Any comments?
>Shira Lerner
>>From H-Judaica:
>There has been a recent trend in the Reform movement (and perhaps 
>others?) to edit liturgical music so as to be consonant with the stress 
>patterns of Sephardic Hebrew. For example, in the Barekhu, the tune and 
>word placement are slightly altered so that one sings ha-ve-vo-RAKH, 
>rather than ha-me-VO-rakh.
>Does anyone know of any published discussions of this trend? I 
>have not been able to find more than a few passing references.
>Jacob Adler 
>University of Arkansas

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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