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Re: Dancing

You are so right.  Israeli Dancing done well is a
beautiful thing.  People should take as much
opportunity as possible to learn them.  Thank you for
encouraging this.

> And on the subject of Israeli dancing,  What a treat
> it would be to be able 
> to do Israeli dancing at a wedding or other simcha
> with others who know the 
> dances well with a musician or band that can play
> the music exactly as it is 
> meant to be danced.  Those of us who do know it well
> and dance it well never 
> look as if we are just jumping and running around
> the circle. I think what 
> most of us encounter at simchas are people who get
> up to dance and not 
> dancers.  The energy and enthusiasm is much
> different when knowledable 
> dancers are dancing.  It's a shame that when Israeli
> dancers are invited to a 
> big party we end up using recorded music.  Just
> think of the energy that 
> could be generated by a band who knows how to play
> these great dance tunes 
> for dancers who know how to dance to them.  
> Willa(always ready to dance)Horowitz
> Willa Horowitz 
> Leader and teacher of Israeli, Jewish and
> International folk dance 
> 130 Mount Sanford Road 
> Hamden, CT 06518 
> 203-248-0291 

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