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Re: new jewish music

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 16:29:35 -0400, you wrote:

>I think the band would take that as a compliment, and I think that's a 
>wonderful expression of how well they have done their work. But I'd claim that 
>the bulgarian village women stuff, the songs sung in english, the song 
>memorializing a miscarriage. By me, there is more happening than "straight-up 
>traditional Yiddish music" (and that's even before we ask whether we're 
>referring to  "straight up" traditional Yiddish folk melodies, "traditional" 
>2nd Ave. Yiddish theatre music,....)

Well, the playing style doesn't sound all that different to me than anything 
else I've heard in the klez realm. I dunno, maybe I just haven't heard enough 
of the old stuff to understand what the difference is here.

-yakov (who picked up, at random, a CD called "balkan tribe" today at the used 
cd store and hasn't listened to it yet)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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