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new jewish music

A reaction on Ari Davidow's question:
> Anyone have any thoughts about this?
This = New Jewish music

As far as I understand
(this is a summary)
New Jewish Music = 
    - has nothing to do with klezmer
    - mostly published on Tzadik label
    - with occasionally English lyrics
    - early form of this genre: Geduldig and Thimann w. A. Statman
    - modern, very modern
    - still very Jewish tradition related
    - is contemporary and composed
    - has Yiddish/Klezmer roots,
    - is fusion music with influences from ...???
    Josh Waletzky¹s CD Album ³Crossing the Shadows²
    Mikveh CD
I add: Brave Old World: ³Blood Oranges² which
    has the subtitle ³new jewish music² and
    no word about klezmer on the cover.

I have the BOW CD, one CD of geduldig and Thimann
and heard Mikveh in Amsterdam.
I can't judge Waletzky's and Mikveh's CD's.

I suppose it is a musical form with klezmer-roots, with some improvisional
elements but not like jazz/klezmer.

Who can explain in words about this music?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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